LC Mushroom Honey 375g

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Life Cykel's friendly pollinators have been using mushrooms and bush foods from the beginning of time. Now Life Cykel have collaborated with local Australian beekeepers to discover immune enhancing results when Beemunity Booster (native mushrooms and bush berries) are consumed by the bees. Now you can consume the honey these bees have produced. This raw and local honey has been additionally upgraded with Life Cykel Reishi Liquid double extract.

This is a Forest Flow honey meaning that these bees have access to a diverse range of nectar bearing flowers, not just one particular species.

Your purchase of Mushroom Honey helps save the bees as 10% of profits go to Bee health research and we pay our beekeepers almost 2 times the industry standard. Supporting beekeepers ensures a healthy agricultural system for Australia.

Ingredients: Pure raw Beemunity enhanced honey (98%), Reishi liquid double extract (2%)


SKU 589220
Brand Life Cykel

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